Casio fx-CG20 Manual De Usuario

Página de 601
12.  Drawing Dots, Lines, and Text on the Graph 
Screen (Sketch)
The sketch function lets you draw points and lines inside of graphs. You can select one of five 
different line styles and seven colors for drawing with the sketch function.
u To draw dots, lines, and text on the graph screen 
1. From the Main Menu, enter the Graph mode.
2. Configure V-Window settings.
3. On the Setup screen, configure the following settings as required.
• Sketch Line ... Initial default line style when drawing a line
• Plot/LineCol ... Initial default color when drawing a plot, line, or text 
4. Input the function of the graph.
5. Draw the graph. 
6. Select the sketch function you want to use.*
!4(SKETCH) 1(Cls) ... Screen clear
2(Tangent) ... Tangent line
3(Norm) ... Line normal to a curve
4(Inverse) ... Inverse function* 
6( g) 1(PLOT)
{Plot}/{PlotOn}/{PlotOff}/{PlotChg} ... Point {Plot}/{On}/{Off}/{Change}
6( g) 2(LINE)
Line} ... {connects 2 points plotted by 
6(g)1(PLOT) with 
a line}/{for drawing a line between any 2 points}
6( g) 3(Circle) ... Circle
6( g) 4(Vertical) ... Vertical line
6( g) 5(Horz) ... Horizontal line
6( g) 6( g) 1(PEN) ... Freehand
6(g)6(g)2(Text) ... Text input
7. Press 
!f(FORMAT) to display the format dialog box, and then configure color and line 
style settings.
• You can specify the line color and line style while Tangent, Norm, Line, F-Line, Circle, 
Vertical, Horz, or PEN is selected. 
• You cannot specify the line color and line style while Plot, PlotOn, PlotChg, or Text is 
• To close the format dialog box, press 