Casio FXCP400 Manual De Usuario

Página de 275
Chapter 11
: Financial Application  188
Input and Output Field Names
The list below shows the names of the input and output fields displayed on the various Financial application 
pages. When performing a calculation on your ClassPad, you can also get information using the [Help] tab.
APR: Nominal interest rate (as a percent)
BAL: Balance of principal after PM2
C/Y: Number of times interest is compounded per 
Cash: List of income or expenses (up to 80 entries)
Cost (Cost/Sell/Margin): Production cost
Cost (Bond Calculation): Cost of bond (price plus 
partial year interest)
CPN: Annual coupon rate
d1: Month (1-12); Day (1-31); Year (1902-2097)
d2: Month (1-12); Day (1-31); Year (1902-2097)
Days (Day Count): Number of days from d1 to d2
Days (Simple Interest): Number of days in investment 
DB: Depreciation for year 
 calculated using the 
declining-balance method
DCL: Degree of combined leverage
DFL: Degree of financial leverage
DOL: Degree of operating leverage
EBIT: Earnings before interest and taxes
EFF: Effective interest rate (as a percent)
FC: Fixed costs
FP: Depreciation for year 
 using the fixed-percentage 
FV: Future value
NFV: Net future value
NPV: Net present value
P/Y: Number of installment periods per year
PBP: Payback period
PM1: Number of first installment period in interval 
under consideration
PM2: Number of last installment period in interval 
under consideration
PMT: Amount paid each period
PRC (Bond Calculation): Price of bond
PRC (Break-Even Point, Quantity Conversion): 
Selling price per unit
PRF: Profit
PRN: Principal portion of PM1
PV: Present value (initial investment)
QBE: Number of units to be sold
QTY (Manufacturing): Number of units manufactured
QTY (Sales): Number of units sold
%: Proportion of sales amount retained as a profit 
(as a percent)
RDV (Bond Calculation): Redemption value
RDV (Depreciation): Residual value after depreciation 
for year 
SAL: Amount obtained from sales
SAL (Operating Leverage): Amount currently 
obtained from sales
SBE (Break-Even Point): Amount that must be 
obtained from sales to break even
SBE (Margin of Safety): Break-even sales (amount 
that must be obtained from sales to break even)
Sell: Selling price
SFV: Simple future value (principal + interest)
SI: Simple interest
SL: Depreciation for year 
 using the straight-line 
sumINT: Total interest paid from PM1 to PM2 
sumPRN: Total principal paid from PM1 to PM2 
SYD: Depreciation for year 
 using the sum-of-the-
years’-digits method
VC: Variable cost for a certain level of production
VCU: Variable cost per unit
YLD: Yield to maturity (as a percent)
YR1: Number of depreciable months in first year
%: Annual interest rate (as a percent)
INT (Amortization): Interest portion of PM1
INT (Bond Calculation): Interest accumulated during 
partial year portion of investment period
INT (Financial Leverage, Combined Leverage): 
Interest to be paid to bondholders
IRR: Interest rate of return
: Year for which depreciation is being calculated
Margin: Margin of profit (portion of selling price not 
absorbed by cost of production)
MOS: Margin of safety (portion of sales amount above 
break-even point)
N (Bond Calculation): Number of periods
N (Compound Interest): Number of installment 
N (Depreciation): Number of years over which 
depreciation occurs
N (Interest Conversion): Number of times interest is 
compounded per year