ARM R4 Manual De Usuario

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Level One Memory System 
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About the L1 memory system
The processor L1 memory system can be configured during implementation and integration. It 
can consist of:
separate instruction and data caches
multiple Tightly-Coupled Memory (TCM) areas
Memory Protection Unit (MPU).
The instruction-side and data-side can each optionally have their own L1 caches. The cache 
architecture is Harvard, that is, only instructions can be fetched from the i-cache, and only data 
can be fetched from the d-cache. In parallel with each of the caches are two areas of dedicated 
RAM accessible to both the instruction and data sides. These are regions of TCM. You can 
implement one TCM using the ATCM interface and up to two TCMs using the BTCM interface. 
Figure 8-1 on page 8-3 shows this.
Each TCM and cache can be configured at implementation time to have an error detection and 
correction scheme to protect the data stored in the memory from errors. Each TCM interface 
also has support for logic external to the processor to tell the processor that an error has 
The MPU handles accesses to both the instruction and data sides. The MPU is responsible for 
protection checking, address access permissions, and memory attributes. Some of these 
functions can be passed to the L2 memory system through the AXI master. See Chapter 7 
Memory Protection Unit
 for more information about the MPU.
The L1 memory system includes a monitor for exclusive accesses. Exclusive load and store 
instructions can be used, for example, 
, with the appropriate memory monitoring to 
provide inter-process or inter-processor synchronization and semaphores. See the ARM 
Architecture Reference Manual
 for more details. The monitor can handle some exclusive 
monitoring internally to the processor.