Foundations discussion guide edpl 301 foundations of education Manual De Usuario

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Chapter 14, pp. 405-440 
Spring states “school desegregation and civil rights legislation were not the product of benign 
government, but were the results of tremendous struggle and public demonstrations.”  Explain.   
In Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka case, what was the strategy of the NAACP?  What 
was the influence of the work of Clark and Myrdal?   
What was so important about Martin Luther King’s policy of nonviolence?  Why was it 
What do you think was the reason behind the Indian termination policy of the 1940s and 1950s?  
What was the Native American Languages Act of 1990?  What was its purpose?   
In reference to Asian Americans, what is meant by the “model minority” image?  What is wrong 
with the image?