3com 4000 Manual De Usuario

Página de 90
Console Port
For the PC (terminal emulator), the setup for either direct or modem 
connection is the same:
9600 baud
8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity
hardware flow control
X-Modem binary file transfer
For the modem connected to the PC, use the following configuration:
9600 baud
hardware flow control
For the modem to the AccessBuilder console port, use the following 
9600 baud
disable results code
ignore DTR
no flow control
PC Terminal Emulator Setup
At your PC, it is first necessary to setup the telephone number of the 
remote AccessBuilder site, the modem "AT" command string that 
initializes your modem, and the communications parameters of your 
Windows terminal emulator accessory. Once established, this 
information can be saved in a specified file for convenience. 
This procedure can be done either directly from Windows or from the 
Transcend AccessBuilder Manager application, which automatically 
loads the Windows Terminal accessory. Whichever way you go, perform 
the initial setup: 
From Windows, double-click on the Accessories icon, then double-click 
on the Terminal icon. 
From TABM, choose the Remote Download Image selection in the 
System Dialog Menu.
Go to the Settings pull-down menu and select Communications. Set 
the Baud Rate to 9600, the Flow Control to Hardware, and the COM 
port to the port to which your PC modem is connected.
ab4kbook  Page 7  Thursday, March 27, 1997  11:51 AM