X-Micro Tech. 11b mini Manual De Usuario

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Ethernet is a 10/100Mbps network that runs over dedicated home/office wiring. Users 
must be wired to the network at all times to gain access. 
A gateway is a hardware and software device that connects two dissimilar systems, 
such as a LAN and a mainframe. In Internet terminology, a gateway is another name 
for a router. Generally a gateway is used as a funnel for all traffic to the Internet.   
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 
An integrated wireless and wired LAN is called an Infrastructure configuration. 
Infrastructure is applicable to enterprise scale for wireless access to central database, 
or wireless application for mobile workers. 
ISM Band 
The FCC and their counterparts outside of the U.S. have set aside bandwidth for 
unlicensed use in the so-called ISM (Industrial, Scientific and Medical) band. 
Spectrum in the vicinity of 2.4 GHz, in particular, is being made available worldwide. 
This presents a truly revolutionary opportunity to place convenient high-speed 
wireless capabilities in the hands of users around the globe. 
Local Area Network (LAN) 
A LAN is a group of computers, each equipped with the appropriate network adapter 
card connected by cable/air, that share applications, data, and peripherals. All 
connections are made via cable or wireless media, but a LAN does not use telephone 
services. It typically spans a single building or campus. 
A network is a system of computers that is connected. Data, files, and messages can 
be transmitted over this network. Networks may be local or wide area networks. 
A protocol is a standardized set of rules that specify how a conversation is to take 
place, including the format, timing, sequencing and/ or error checking.