Motorola MCF5281 Manual De Usuario

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MCF5282 User’s Manual
Digital Control Subsystem  
27.8.1 Queue Priority Timing Examples
This subsection describes the QADC priority scheme when trigger events on two queues
overlap or conflict. Queue Priority
Queue 1 has priority over queue 2 execution. These cases show the conditions under which
queue 1 asserts its priority:
• When a queue is not active, a trigger event for queue 1 or queue 2 causes the 
corresponding queue execution to begin.
• When queue 1 is active and a trigger event occurs for queue 2, queue 2 cannot begin 
execution until queue 1 reaches completion or the paused state. The status register 
records the trigger event by reporting the queue 2 status as trigger pending. 
Additional trigger events for queue 2, which occur before execution can begin, are 
flagged as trigger overruns.
• When queue 2 is active and a trigger event occurs for queue 1, the current queue 2 
conversion is aborted. The status register reports the queue 2 status as suspended. 
Any trigger events occurring for queue 2 while it is suspended are flagged as trigger 
overruns. Once queue 1 reaches the completion or the paused state, queue 2 begins 
executing again. The programming of the RESUME bit in QACR2 determines 
which CCW is executed in queue 2.
• When simultaneous trigger events occur for queue 1 and queue 2, queue 1 begins 
execution and the queue 2 status is changed to trigger pending.
• When subqueues are paused
The pause feature can be used to divide queue 1 and/or queue 2 into multiple subqueues. A
subqueue is defined by setting the pause bit in the last CCW of the subqueue.
Figure 27-22 shows the CCW format and an example of using pause to create subqueues.
Queue 1 is shown with four CCWs in each subqueue and queue 2 has two CCWs in each
The operating mode selected for queue 1 determines what type of trigger event causes the
execution of each of the subqueues within queue 1. Similarly, the operating mode for queue
2 determines the type of trigger event required to execute each of the subqueues within
queue 2.
For example, when the external trigger rising edge continuous-scan mode is selected for
queue 1, and there are six subqueues within queue 1, a separate rising edge is required on
the external trigger signal after every pause to begin the execution of each subqueue (refer
to Figure 27-22).