Cisco Systems OL-11291-01 Manual De Usuario

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User Guide for Internetwork Performance Monitor
Appendix B      IPM Command Reference
    Output of ipm export help Command
ipm upgrade -remote upgrade IPM. 
ipm cleanreport - Clean HTML Reports older than n days.
Output of ipm export help Command
The following example shows the command syntax and help that is displayed when you use the ipm 
export help 
You must be logged in as the root user (Solaris) or administrator (Windows) to use export IPM data using 
the ipm export command.
ipm export
   [-q] [[-k <letter>] | -w] [-h]
   [ ( -c | -s | -t | -o | -cs) [<CollectorName>] ]
  | [ (-dh | -dd | -dw | -dm)  <StartTime> <EndTime> [ <CollectorName> ] ]
  | [ (-jh | -jd | -jw | -jm)  <StartTime> <EndTime> [ <CollectorName> ] ]
  | [ (-ph | -pd | -pw | -pm)  <StartTime> <EndTime> [ <CollectorName> ] ]
  | [ -r [<WhichDay>] ]
  | [ -all [<StartDate>] [<EndDate>]]
General options:
  [ipmRoot] - Root location of IPM, such as /opt/CSCOipm
  -q  Quiet output- display no column headings. Only applicable in plain
      text output format
  -k  Delimiter- set the field delimiter to <letter>.  By default, this
      is set to a comma ','. Only applicable in plain text output format.
  -w  HTML output - A web page will be generated from the output of
      this command.
  -h  Help - output this usage help
  Time  - <StartTime> and <EndTime> need to be input as
           Date - <WhichDay> needs to be input as:
          <StartDate> and <EndDate> need to be input as:
Output options:
  -c   Display collector configuration.  If <name> is omitted, display
       a list of all collectors.  If <name> is specified, display
       information about the specified collector.
  -s   Display source router configuration. If <name> is omitted,
       display a list of all source routers. If <name> is specified,
       display information about the specified source router.
  -cs  Display collector configuration with status, type, category and start
       and end times converted to user-friendly, formatted text
       strings depicting the status information. If <name> is omitted,
       display a list of all collectors. If <name> is specified, display