Cisco Systems MC16E Manual De Usuario

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Cisco uBR10-LCP2-MC16C/MC16E/MC16S Cable Interface Card for the Cisco uBR10012 Router
  Cisco uBR10-LCP2-MC16C/MC16E/MC16S Overview
Cisco uBR10-LCP2-MC16E
The Cisco uBR10-LCP2-MC16E cable interface line card output is +40 dBmV +/– 3 dB and supports 
all EuroDOCSIS upstream channel widths described in 
. The card is configured 
identically to the Cisco uBR-MC16E cable interface line card. 
While all other Cisco cable interface line cards transmit downstream signals to upconverters by using 
the 44-MHz frequency, the Cisco uBR10-LCP2-MC16E transmits downstream IF signals to an up 
converter by using the 36.125-MHz frequency.
For Cisco IOS software requirements see the 
For configuration information, refer to Configuring the Cisco uBR7200 Series MC16E Cable Modem 
, available on the documentation CD-ROM and or at the following URL:
Refer to Chapter 3 in the Cisco uBR7200 Series Universal Broadband Router Software Configuration 
 at the following URL:
Cisco uBR10-LCP2-MC16S
The Cisco uBR10-LCP2-MC16S: 
Consists of the Cisco uBR10-LCP2 adapter card, a motherboard (based on the Cisco uBR-MC16C 
cable interface line card) and an additional “piggy-back” spectrum management daughter card. The 
card is configured identically to the Cisco uBR-MC16S cable interface line card. 
Supports all DOCSIS downstream symbol rates and upstream channel widths as described in 
Features advanced spectrum management capabilities made possible by hardware and software 
enhancements. The advanced spectrum management capabilities of the Cisco uBR10-LCP2-MC16S 
include the ability to hierarchically scan portions of the upstream spectrum for clean channels of 
varying widths. 
The Cisco uBR10-LCP2-MC16S spectrum management card (daughter card) is able to sample the 5 to 
42 MHz upstream frequency spectrum and initiate frequency hops, modulation change, or channel-width 
changes based on the sampled information. When specified thresholds have been reached, the spectrum 
management card takes a snapshot of the available upstream spectrum and then passes this information 
to the Cisco IOS software, where it is analyzed for indications of significant ingress or impulse noise. 
From this analysis, the Cisco IOS software draws informed conclusions regarding the “cleanest” 
portions of the upstream frequency spectrum to initiate a frequency hop to a clean upstream channel, if 
warranted. The user-defined threshold values are specified by commands in the configuration file of the 
Cisco uBR10012 router.
For Cisco IOS software requirements see the 