Cisco Systems OL-7396-01 Manual De Usuario

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ATM Switch Router Software Configuration Guide
Adding a New Lowest Level of PNNI Hierarchy
SanFran.BldA.T5# show atm pnni hierarchy 
  Locally configured parent nodes:
  Node          Parent
  Index  Level  Index   Local-node Status     Node Name
  ~~~~~  ~~~~~  ~~~~~~  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  1      72     2       Enabled/ Running      SanFran.BldA.T5
  2      56     N/A     Enabled/ Not Running  SanFran
SanFran.BldA.T5# show atm pnni hierarchy network
  Summary of active parent LGNs in the routing domain:
  Node  Level  Parent  Node Name
  ~~~~  ~~~~~  ~~~~~~  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  1     72     14      SanFran.BldA.T5
  14    56     0       SanFran
Restoring Auto-Summary on the LGN SanFran
After all the nodes destined for the new peer group migrate into the peer group, you can restore 
auto-summary to reduce the number of reachable address prefixes advertised by the LGN.
The following example shows how to enable auto-summary on the LGN SanFran:
SanFran.BldA.T5# configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
SanFran.BldA.T5(config)# atm router pnni
SanFran.BldA.T5(config-atm-router)# node 2 
SanFran.BldA.T5(config-pnni-node)# auto-summary
SanFran.BldA.T5(config-pnni-node)# end
The following example shows how to verify the configuration:
SanFran.BldA.T5# show atm pnni summary
Codes: Node - Node index advertising this summary
       Type - Summary type (INT - internal, EXT - exterior)
       Sup  - Suppressed flag (Y - Yes, N - No)
       Auto - Auto Summary flag (Y - Yes, N - No)
       Adv  - Advertised flag (Y - Yes, N - No)
 Node Type Sup Auto Adv  Summary Prefix
 ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  1   Int   N   Y    Y   47.0091.4455.6677.2233.1011.1244/104
  2   Int   N   Y    N   47.0091.4455.6677.2233/72 
The switch that contains the active PGL is configured similarly:
SanFran.BldA.T4# configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
SanFran.BldA.T4(config)# atm router pnni
SanFran.BldA.T4(config-atm-router)# node 2
SanFran.BldA.T4(config-pnni-node)# auto-summary
SanFran.BldA.T4(config-pnni-node)# end