Lucent Technologies 9076 Manual De Usuario

Página de 150
 October 22, 1999   
SP Switch Router Adapter Guide - 1.4 Update 2
Monitoring and Management Tools
Checking for hardware problems - grdiag
Checking for hardware problems - grdiag  
This section describes the diagnostic capability provided by the grdiag command. Users can 
run a set of internal BIST-level diagnostics to verify media card (including SP Switch Router 
Adapter card) hardware. A card that fails this set of diagnostics must be replaced. HIPPI media 
cards do not support the grdiag command.  
The grdiag script puts the selected media card(s) into diagnostic mode and runs the 
diagnostics. After the diagnostics complete, grdiag reloads the media card’s software and 
configuration currently saved in flash memory, then reboots the card. For this reason, it is very 
important that you save any configuration changes before you run grdiag. Unsaved media card 
changes will be lost.  These diagnostics affect the operation of only the target card or cards. 
You can run diagnostics on all the chassis cards at the same time. The length of time needed for 
the diagnostic to run depends on the type of media card and how many cards are being tested at 
one time. 
What is tested           
grdiag is intended to help users determine whether hardware is causing a problem that is being 
seen. These diagnostics do not determine which type of hardware failure occurred. The 
diagnostics report no error information, only pass-fail results.   
The diagnostics verify the following media card and slot functions:
all memory
all media hardware logic (media card)
all serial hardware logic (serial daughter card)
the connection between the slot and the switch 
the connection between the slot and the communications bus
the connection between the slot and power delivery
The diagnostics do not exercise the physical interfaces or transceivers. Generally, you can 
expect to test 95% of the media card. 
Where to find the user guide
The “Management Command and Tools” chapter in the GRF Configuration and Management 
manual contains a complete usage guide and examples for using grdiag.  
Stopping or halting grdiag
You can use Control-C to stop the diagnostic sequence at any time. After you enter Control-C, 
grdiag reloads the card’s run-time binary and last-saved configuration, and then reboots the 