3com NETBuilder SI Manual De Usuario

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Configuring ISDN on the WAN Port (43x, 44x, 53x, and 54x)
If you have only one local telephone number, enter the same number for 
both channels.
If you are planning to use channel B2 as a separate line, and your 
telecommunications carrier provided only one telephone number for all 
channels, specify a subaddress using:
SETDefault !3.2 -PATH LocalSubAddr = “<string>”
Enable the SpidWIZard parameter and re-enable the path by entering:
SETDefault !3 -PATH SpidWIZard = Trigger
SETDefault !3 -PATH CONTrol = Enable
The bridge/router automatically detects the switch type and SPIDs of the 
ISDN line and disables the parameter. If you change your local telephone 
number, you will have to re-enable the SpidWIZard parameter.
Do not disable the SpidWIZard parameter while it is detecting the switch 
type and SPIDs. If you do, you will have to restart the bridge/router.
If the SpidWIZard parameter does not detect the switch type and SPIDs 
correctly, complete the procedure in the next section.
Configuring ISDN in
Europe, Australia,
and Asia
Before beginning this procedure, complete the following tasks:
Cable the ISDN port and connect it to the telephone network.
Log on to the system with Network Manager privilege.
To configure an ISDN port in Europe, Australia, or Asia, or if the 
SpidWIZard parameter was not successful in the U.S and Canada, follow 
these steps:
Installations in Hong Kong should be configured to originate and receive 
ISDN calls at 64 Kbps. Due to the variety of ISDN swtiches in the Hong 
Kong Telecom network, the SuperStack II NETBuilder SI bridge/router 
does not properly handle rate-adapted ISDN calls at 56 Kbps.
Set the switch type. By default, the switch type is set to European 
Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI). If you need to change the 
switch type setting, see Table 16 and use:
SETDefault !<connectorID> -PATH SwitchType = ETSI | NTT | KDD |