3com NETBuilder SI Manual De Usuario

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If you do not enter a telephone number for dial-string, the software uses 
the first number in the dial number list.
The dial string must be a number in the dial number list.
Hang up the call using:
HangUp !<port> [-PORT]
Configuring Bandwidth-On-Demand
When the system detects traffic congestion on a port, you can enable 
bandwidth-on-demand to automatically activate more lines from a dial 
pool or from another path assigned to the same port.
You specify the bandwidth that a port should operate at normally, then 
define the maximum amount of bandwidth above this setting that the 
port can have.
Bandwidth-on-demand only works with dial-on-demand. To use 
bandwidth-on-demand, you must have multiple phone numbers in the 
dial number list. The first number is for the primary line. If you need more 
bandwidth, the port dials the second number in the list, then the 
following numbers in succession if required. 
To configure bandwidth-on-demand, follow these steps:
Enable bandwidth-on-demand and specify the amount of additional 
bandwidth to allocate for a port using:
SETDefault !<port> -PORT BODIncrLimit = <kbps>
The bridge/router allocates additional bandwidth in increments equal to 
the Kbps you specify. Maximum total bandwidth equals the 
BODIncrLimit plus the normal bandwidth.
Specify the conditions that activate bandwidth-on-demand using:
SETDefault !<port> -PORT BODTHreshold = <%>(0–100)
The increase or decrease in bandwidth is based on a percentage of the 
outgoing traffic rate. Bandwidth is increased when the outgoing traffic 
rate exceeds the percentage of the current port bandwidth. Bandwidth is 
decreased when the rate of traffic runs below the specified percentage.
For example, normal available bandwidth is 64 Kbps and you set 
BODTHreshold to 50%. To activate another line, traffic would have to