HP (Hewlett-Packard) E3000 MPE/IX Manual De Usuario

Página de 232
Appendix A
MPE/V to MPE/iX Migration
Reconfiguration Guidelines
Reconfiguration Guidelines
Once the MPE/V NS configuration files have been converted for use
with the MPE/iX version of NS, reconfigure your network to account for
the implementation differences between NS 3000/V and NS 3000/iX.
Run the NMMGR utility against the configuration file generated by the
file conversion process and perform the following reconfiguration tasks:
• Configure the physical path of all links for your network. This
configuration consists of a channel number (
) and subchannel
number (
) in the form
. There is no channel or
subchannel associated with NS on MPE V.
• Since the LAP-B protocol is the only point-to-point link-level protocol
supported on the MPE/iX computer, you must reconfigure links that
were configured as bisynchronous links on NS 3000/V as LAP-B
links, or remove them from the network configuration.
• Configure the Distributed Terminal Subsystem (DTS) according to
the needs of your installation. Refer to Configuring Systems for
Terminals, Printers, and Other Serial Devices 
for instructions on how
to configure the DTS.
The above configuration tasks are a general summary of what you will
need to do to reconfigure your network to run on MPE/iX. You should be
aware that there are many changes to individual screens and screen
fields. Refer to this guide for information on individual screens and
screen fields.