Black Box kv1081a Manual De Usuario

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LDAP configuration
The ServSwitch CX Uno IP can optionally use the industry standard LDAP 
(Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) to allow user authentication to occur 
in conjunction with an externally held database. This screen allows you to 
configure details related to the creation of an LDAP link to an external directory 
service, such as an Active Directory server.
To get here
1  Using VNC viewer or a browser, log on as the ‘admin’ user.
2  Click the ‘Configure’ button in the top right corner.
3  Click the ‘LDAP Configuration’ option.
Tick this option to enable the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol features of 
the unit.
Host Address 
Enter the IP address of the LDAP server that holds the required directory service.
Host Port 
The standard port address for LDAP links is 389 and this should not need to be 
changed unless special circumstances exist.
Base DN 
This field allows you to enter a Distinguished Name for the unit which will be 
used as the main identifier during (non-anonymous bind) LDAP sessions. An 
example Base DN value might be: “dc=cxunoip,dc=com” 
User field 
Enter the LDAP database field that will be used to match each user name 
against. The details entered here will depend on the specific LDAP database 
being used - ‘uid’ or ‘cn’ are commonly used values.  
Anonymous Bind 
If left unchecked then bind requests are sent with username (Base DN) and 
password (more suitable for Active Directory applications).
If checked, bind requests are anonymous (more suitable for Linux LDAP 