Macromedia ColdFusion MX 7 Enterprise Ed CED070D400 Hoja De Datos

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 MX 7
ColdFusion MX 7 makes Internet application development and deployment faster and easier than any other solution
available today. Easily extend or integrate with Java or .NET applications, connect to enterprise data and applications,
create or consume web services, or interface with SMS on mobile devices or Instant messaging clients. Add powerful
application services for business reporting, rich-forms generation, printable document generation, full-text search,
and graphing and charting.
The fastest, easiest way to build and deploy powerful Internet applications.
Provide unparalleled
user experiences.
Users will be more productive when
they interact with applications.
Rich forms. 
Create accessible, high-quality
forms in minutes using the new Rich Flash
and XML forms capabilities. Complex, multi-
step forms are now easy to create using
familiar CFML tags to describe form layout
and design. Separate logic from presentation.
Easily re-skin forms across applications.
Printable web content. 
Transform web
content into well-formatted, printable Adobe®
PDF or FlashPaper 2 documents by giving
your applications the powerful new
CFDOCUMENT capability. Users will now
be able to print, e-mail, or save web content
as rich documents. Easily add printing to
existing applications with only a few lines of
extra code.
Structured business reports. 
design and generate high-quality, repeating
group, structured business reports and
populate them dynamically in the context
of a web application. Satisfy business
reporting requirements while reducing or
eliminating the need for costly third-party
reporting products.
Rapidly learn, build and deploy.
Becoming productive sooner and
delivering applications faster reduces
the total cost of Internet application
Extend Dreamweaver power. 
ColdFusion Dreamweaver extensions make
it faster and easier to develop ColdFusion
applications using Macromedia
Dreamweaver® MX 2004.
Easy to learn, develop in record time.
ColdFusion MX 7 adds an array of powerful,
new, and extended ColdFusion Markup
Language (CFML) tags. By encapsulating
complex actions into simple, intuitive tags,
the tag-based scripting language in
ColdFusion, modeled after HTML, makes it
easy to get up and running quickly.
Leverage components. 
Build and consume
SOAP web services in record time using
ColdFusion components (CFCs), which
separate business logic from the presentation
tier. Use CFCs in all types of applications,
including HTML, Flash, web services, SMS,
IM, and more.
Deploy high-performance applications.
The standards-based J2EE architecture
of ColdFusion MX 7 leverages the power
of the J2EE platform. Page compilation,
database connection pooling, and data
caching make ColdFusion a high-performing,
scalable solution.
Create a new class of applications.
Move beyond HTTP and create
ground-breaking new interfaces to
mobile phones using SMS text
messaging, IM using Lotus
or XMPP (the emerging IM standard),
and other Internet protocols.
SMS text messaging. Create a new
class of applications accessible through SMS
text-messaging (Short Message Service) on
mobile devices. SMS extends the reach of
applications beyond the desktop, providing
users with complete mobility.
Instant messaging. 
The instant messaging
(IM) world is rapidly transforming, enabling
IM clients to interact with Internet applications.
ColdFusion MX 7 makes it easy to create
IM-accessible applications, providing access
to the full set of IM services including
presence awareness, buddy lists, and more.
Natively connect to Lotus Sametime and
XMPP or extend and connect to other
popular IM technologies.
File system gateway. 
ColdFusion MX 7
applications can now respond directly to
events occurring on server file systems
such as file uploading, deleting, renaming,
and more.