Cabletron Systems 1082 Manual De Usuario

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S p e c t r u m E n t e r p r i s e M a n a g e r
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S m a r t S w i t c h 6 0 0 0
Application Icons
When the Application view is in Icon mode, each 
of the application models is represented by an 
Application icon (
). Double-clicking the 
Model Name label (a) at the top of the icon opens 
the associated Model Information view-
applications, the Model Type label (c) at the 
bottom of the icon is also a double-click zone, 
which opens an application-specific view. Any 
views accessible through these double-click zones 
are also accessible from the Application icon’s 
Icon Subviews menu.
Figure 14:
Application Icon
a Model Name Label/ Model Information View
b Condition Status Label
c Model Type Label / Application Specific View