3com WX3000 Manual De Usuario

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Figure 1-6 Network diagram for the NTP server/client mode configuration
1 .0.1.12/24
Device A
Device B
Configuration procedure 
Perform the following configurations on Device B. 
# View the NTP status of Device B before synchronization. 
<DeviceB> display ntp-service status 
 Clock status: unsynchronized 
 Clock stratum: 16 
 Reference clock ID: none 
 Nominal frequency: 60.0002 Hz 
 Actual frequency: 60.0002 Hz 
 Clock precision: 2^18 
 Clock offset: 0.0000 ms 
 Root delay: 0.00 ms 
 Root dispersion: 0.00 ms 
 Peer dispersion: 0.00 ms 
 Reference time: 00:00:00.000 UTC Jan 1 1900 (00000000.00000000) 
# Set Device A as the NTP server of Device B. 
<DeviceB> system-view 
[DeviceB] ntp-service unicast-server 
# (After the above configurations, Device B is synchronized to Device A.) View the NTP status of Device 
[DeviceB] display ntp-service status 
 Clock status: synchronized 
 Clock stratum: 3 
 Reference clock ID: 
 Nominal frequency: 60.0002 Hz 
 Actual frequency: 60.0002 Hz 
 Clock precision: 2^18 
 Clock offset: 0.66 ms 
 Root delay: 27.47 ms 
 Root dispersion: 208.39 ms 
 Peer dispersion: 9.63 ms 
 Reference time: 17:03:32.022 UTC Thu Sep 7 2006 (BF422AE4.05AEA86C) 
The above output information indicates that Device B is synchronized to Device A, and the stratum level 
of its clock is 3, one level lower than that of Device A. 
# View the information about NTP sessions of Device B. (You can see that Device B establishes a 
connection with Device A.) 
[DeviceB] display ntp-service sessions 
     source        reference       stra reach poll  now offset  delay disper 