Cisco Systems ASA 5585-X Manual De Usuario

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Cisco ASA Series Firewall CLI Configuration Guide
Chapter 30      Configuring the ASA CX Module
  Monitoring the ASA CX Module
To check the status of a module, enter one of the following commands:
The following is sample output from the show module command for an ASA with an ASA CX SSP 
hostname# show module
Mod Card Type                                    Model              Serial No.
--- -------------------------------------------- ------------------ -----------
  0 ASA 5585-X Security Services Processor-10 wi ASA5585-SSP-10     JAF1507AMKE
  1 ASA 5585-X CX Security Services Processor-10 ASA5585-SSP-CX10   JAF1510BLSA
Mod MAC Address Range                 Hw Version   Fw Version   Sw Version
--- --------------------------------- ------------ ------------ ---------------
  0 5475.d05b.1100 to 5475.d05b.110b  1.0          2.0(7)0      100.7(6)78
  1 5475.d05b.2450 to 5475.d05b.245b  1.0          2.0(13)0     0.6.1
Mod SSM Application Name           Status           SSM Application Version
--- ------------------------------ ---------------- --------------------------
  1 ASA CX Security Module         Up               0.6.1
Mod Status             Data Plane Status     Compatibility
--- ------------------ --------------------- -------------
  0 Up Sys             Not Applicable
  1 Up                 Up
Showing Module Statistics
To show module statistics, enter the following command:
The following is sample output from the show service-policy command showing the ASA CX policy 
and the current statistics as well as the module status when the authentication proxy is disabled:
hostname# show service-policy cxsc
Global policy: 
  Service-policy: global_policy
    Class-map: bypass
      CXSC: card status Up, mode fail-open, auth-proxy disabled
        packet input 2626422041, packet output 2626877967, drop 0, reset-drop 0, proxied 0
show module
Displays the status.
show module 
{| cxsc} details
Displays additional status information. Specify 1 for a hardware module 
and cxsc for a software module.
show module cxsc
Displays the network parameters for transferring a software module boot 
show service-policy cxsc
Displays the ASA CX statistics and status per service policy.