National Instruments 370757C-01 Manual De Usuario

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Appendix A
M.K. Fan and A.L. Tits. “m-form Numerical Range and the Computation of the 
Structured Singular Value.” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. 33, 
pp 284–289, March 1988. 
M.K. Fan and A.L. Tits. “Characterization and Efficient Computation of the 
Structured Singular Value.” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. AC-31, 
pp 734–743, August 1986.
B. Francis. A Course in L
 Control Theory. Springer-Verlag, 
Berlin-New York, 1987.
D.S. Flamm, S. Boyd, G. Stein, and S.K. Mitter. “Tutorial Workshop on L
Theory.” pre-conference workshop, Proceedings 26th IEEE Conference on Decision 
and Control
, December 1988.
K. Glover and J.C. Doyle. “State-space formulae for all stabilizing controllers that 
satisfy an L
 norm bound and relations to risk sensitivity.” Systems and Control 
Letters, Vol. 11, pp 167–172, 1988.
J.C. Doyle, K. Glover, P.K. Khargonekar, and B. Francis. ‘‘State-space solutions to 
standard H
 and L
 control problems.” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
Vol. AC-34, No. 8, pp 831–847, August 1989. 
N.K. Gupta. “Frequency Shaping of Cost Functionals: An extension of LQG Design 
Methods.” AIAA Journal of Guidance and Control, Vol. 3, No. 6, December 1980.
ONR/Honeywell Workshop on Advances in Multivariable Control. Lecture Notes, 
Minneapolis, MN, 1984. 
E.E. Osborne. “On Preconditioning of Matrices.” JACM, 7:338–345, 1960.
M.G. Safonov. “Stability Margins of Diagonally Perturbed Multivariable Feedback 
Systems.” IEEE Proceedings, 129-D:251–256, November 1982.
M.G. Safonov and J.C. Doyle. “Optimal Scaling for Multivariable Stability Margin 
Singular Value Computation.” Proceedings of MECO/EES 1983, Symposium, 1983.
M.G. Safonov and J.C. Doyle. “Minimizing Conservativeness of Robust Singular 
Values.” Multivariable Control, pp 197–207, S.G. Tzafestas, editor. D. Reidel 
Publishing Company, 1984.
M.G. Safonov, A.J. Laub, and G.L. Hartmann. “Feedback Properties of 
Multivariable Systems: The Role and Use of the Return Difference Matrix.” 
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. AC-26, February 1981.