DELL 32XX Manual De Usuario

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NOTE: Starting with firmware 8.10, some RAID controller modules no longer support the 
writeOrder parameter and the writeMode parameter.
set remoteReplication (localVirtualDisk [virtualDiskName] | 
localVirtualDisks [virtualDiskName1 ... virtualDiskNameN]) 
[role=(primary | secondary)] 
[syncPriority=(highest | high | medium | low | lowest)] 
[autoResync=(enabled | disabled)] 
[writeOrder=(preserved | notPreserved)] 
[writeMode=(synchronous | asynchronous)] [force=(TRUE | FALSE)]
The name local virtual disk for which you want to 
define properties. Enclose the primary virtual disk 
name in square brackets ([ ]). If the primary virtual 
disk name has special characters or numbers, you 
must enclose the primary virtual disk name in 
double quotation marks (" ") inside square brackets.
The names of several local virtual disks for which 
you want to define properties. Enter the names 
virtual disks using these rules:
• Enclose all names in square brackets ([ ]).
• Separate each names with a space.
If the virtual disk names have special characters or 
consist only of numbers, enter the names using 
these rules:
• Enclose all names in square brackets ([ ]).
• Enclose each names in double quotation marks 
(" ").
• Separate each names with a space.
The setting for the local virtual disk to act as the 
primary virtual disk or the secondary virtual disk. To 
define the virtual disk as the primary virtual disk, set 
this parameter to primary. To define the virtual 
disk as the secondary virtual disk, set this 
parameter to secondary. This parameter applies 
only when the virtual disk is part of a replication 
The priority that full synchronization has relative to 
host I/O activity. Valid values are highesthigh
mediumlow, or lowest.
The settings for automatic resynchronization 
between the primary virtual disks and the