Furuno GP-3300 Manual De Usuario

Página de 137
11.12 Smoothing
In Figure 11-21, the actual ship’s track is shown by a wide hatched
arrow and the position being fed from the navigational aid is shown
by black dots. If smoothing is selected to “0 (off),” the track shown
on the display will be a irregular track plotting (solid line) due to
signal variations. To smooth this track, the “Weight Factor” given to
new position data compared to previous fixes should be changed.
For instance, number 03 provides a weighting factor of 13/16 for
new data and 3/16 for previous data. The higher the smoothing num-
ber, the slower the position updating becomes. In the figure below,
the track shown by the broken line has a time delay more than the one
shown by the dot-dash line, because of higher smoothing rate.
To enter a smoothing rate of 03, for example;
1. Press the [MENU] and [8].
2. Select L/L SMOOTHING.
3. Press the [0] and [3] keys to enter smoothing rate of 3.
4. Press the [ENT] key.
0-6 : Position from navaid
0-6 : Position with smoothing applied
Delay due
to smoothing
Track display with no smoothing
Track display with  smoothing of  08
Pervious Position
16 equal
New Position
Current Position
: Track display with no smoothing
: Track display with smoothing of  12
: Track display with smoothing of  14
Figure 11-22 Smoothing