Furuno GP-3300 Manual De Usuario

Página de 137
1.4 The Trackball
The main function of the trackball is to
shift the cursor and the display. The dis-
play may be shifted when the cursor is
turned off; the cursor when it is turned on.
Figure 1-5 Operating the trackball,
shifting the picture (cursor off)
1.5 The Cursor
The cursor functions to
• Find latitude and longitude of a location
• Find range and bearing from your ship to position selected
• Enter and erase marks, lines and waypoints
Note: You can select cursor configuration (cross hairs or entire screen
cursor) on the INITIAL SETTINGS menu (keying sequence:
[MENU], [8]). The default cursor configuration is the cross hairs.
Turning the cursor on/off
Each press of the [CURSOR ON/OFF] key turns the cursor on/off.
With the cursor on, operate the trackball or the arrow keys to shift the
cursor. Use the trackball for general placement and the arrow keys
for fine tuning. The cursor moves in the direction of the trackball
moves. When the cursor reaches the edge of the display, the display
shifts in the opposite direction.
Figure 1-6 Shifting the cursor