Bungie Myth SoulBlighter Manual De Usuario

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One area of the map is designated as the hill and marked with a flag. The hill is
captured when one or more of your units moves within a certain range of the
flag and no enemy units are within range. The winner is the last player in con-
trol of the hill, regardless of how long they have possessed it. Tactics in this
game are quite interesting, as you must preserve as much of your force as pos-
sible for your final assault on the hill. If time runs out and the flag is contested,
the game will switch to sudden death overtime until one player has uncon-
tested control of the hill.
A number of balls are scattered around the map, and the first player to own all
five wins. This game is similar to Flag Rally, although the ability to move the
balls around the map adds another level of challenge.
When dribbling the ball be careful to avoid obstacles (trees, houses, etc.),
as the ball has a tendency to get stuck alongside them. If the ball does get
stuck, you can always try blasting it free with a few well placed grenades.
Each team starts with a herd of animals (usually pigs) and a number of flags.
The object of the game is to shepherd your herd to the enemy flags. When
they are within contesting range of an enemy flag they will be teleported to
safety and your team will gain a point for each teleported animal. The winner
is the team with the most points at the end of the game. If neither team suc-
ceeds in teleporting their herd to safety the winner is the team with the great-
est number of surviving herd beasts.
As a variation of this game, some maps have only a center flag that will trans-
port pigs from any team to safety- assuming you can get them there.
Somewhere on the battlefield is a ball, which assumes the color of the last
team that touched it. The object is to snatch the ball and keep it away from
your opponents. The last team to own the ball is the winner. The game will
switch to sudden death overtime if the ball is contested when time runs out.
In order to place the net ball in the most advantageous spot on the map
you must either dribble it there or blast it there using explosives. To dribble
the ball select one of your units and line it up about ten feet behind the
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