Netopia 430 s Guía De Referencia

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Netopia ISDN Router Reference Guide
Configuring profiles for incoming calls.
If the answer profile must
To force incoming calls to match connection profiles, select Must 
Match a Defined Profile and toggle it to Yes. Incoming calls that 
cannot be matched to a connection profile are dropped. To allow 
unmatched calls to be accepted as standard IP or IPX connections, 
toggle Must Match a Defined Profile to No.
Note: If Must Match a Defined Profile is set to Yes, the items 
below it will not appear.
If Must Match a Defined Profile is set to Yes, the answer profile 
only accepts calls that use the same authentication method defined 
in the Authentication item. If PAP or CHAP are involved, the caller 
must have a name and password or secret that match one of the 
connection profiles. The caller must obtain these from you or your 
network administrator before initiating the call.
For example, if Must Match a Defined Profile is set to Yes, and 
Authentication is set to PAP, then only incoming calls that use PAP 
and match a connection profile will be accepted by the answer 
Note: If authentication in the default answer profile is set to CHAP, 
the value of the CHAP Challenge Name item must be identical to 
the value of the Send Host Name item of the connection profile to 
be matched by the caller.
If the answer profile
doesn’t have to match...
If Must Match a Defined Profile is set to No, Authentication is 
assumed to be None, even if you’ve set it to PAP or CHAP. The 
answer profile uses the caller’s IP address to match a connection 
profile. However, the answer profile cannot discover a caller’s 
subnet mask; it assumes that the caller is 
not subnetting its IP 
Class A addresses are assumed to have a mask of
Class B addresses are assumed to have a mask of
Class C addresses are assumed to have a mask of Class C address ranges are generally the