Roland g-70 Manual De Propietario

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Editing Lyrics
G-70 Music Workstation
(17) Press the [DISK&MEDIA] button.
• Press [SAVE], followed by [SONG].
This page allows you to save the current song to the 
internal memory, a memory card or a floppy disk. It 
will be saved along with the Lyrics data you synchro-
(18) Press the [EXTERNAL¥MEMORY], [FLOPPY] or 
[INTERNAL¥MEMORY] field to select the area where 
you want to save the song.
(19) To save the song under a different name, press 
[SONG¥NAME] and enter the desired name. Repeat 
this with the [FILE¥NAME] entry.
See page 49. If necessary, you can also supply the 
required ARTIST and GENRE information for use with 
the SONG FINDER function.
Note: The G-70 supports both upper- and lower-case letters 
for file names. Choose whichever is more convenient (or 
Note: ARTIST and GENRE are not available for files you save to 
floppy disk.
(20) Press the [EXECUTE] field to save the song.
If the selected memory area already contains a song 
of that name, you are asked whether it is OK to over-
write it.
• Press the [YES] field to overwrite the file. This replaces 
the song in question with the new version. 
• Press the [NO] field to return to the SAVE SONG page, 
change the name, then press [EXECUTE] again.
The “Operation Successful” message confirms the end 
of the operation.
(21) Press the [EXIT] button to return to the main page.
You can also use the above procedure to resynchro-
nize lyrics already contained in the song file (if you 
feel the synchronization isn’t perfect). See step (4) 
and following on page 150.
Exporting Lyrics data as text file
Here’s what you need to do to export the Lyrics data 
contained in a Standard MIDI File as text data. This 
may be useful for editing or printing the lyrics using 
your computer.
Note: This only works if the Standard MIDI File contains lyrics 
(1) Load the song whose Lyrics data you want to 
(2) Press the [LYRICS&SCORE] button.
If the display is blank at this point, the selected song 
doesn’t contain Lyrics data. It is therefore impossible 
to export it as text.
(3) Press the [OPTIONS] field, followed by the 
[TXT¥EXPORT] field.
The display changes to:
(4) Name the text file. 
This is only necessary if you do not agree with the 
suggested name (i.e. the one of the song in question).
(5) Press the [EXTERNAL¥MEMORY], [FLOPPY] or 
[INTERNAL¥MEMORY] field to select the area where 
you want to save the text file.
(6) Press the [EXECUTE] field to save the file.
The G-70 returns to the LYRICS page.
(7) Press the [EXIT] button to return to the main page.