Roland g-70 Manual De Propietario

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Quick Start 
G-70 Music Workstation
Quick Start
In this chapter, we will scratch the surface and walk you through the major functions.
The general idea
Your G-70 is several instruments in one. There are 
three main sections you can use for playing live.
Keyboard parts:
This section consists of parts you need to play via the 
keyboard, hence the name “Keyboard”. The G-70 pro-
vides seven Keyboard parts, six of which can be used 
simultaneously: UP1, UP2, UP3, LW1, LW2 and MBS. 
“UP” stands for “Upper” and refers to the right half (if 
there is a split). “LW” refers to “Lower” and thus to the 
left half. “MBS” is short for “Manual Bass”, i.e. a 
monophonic bass part whose notes depend on the 
chords you play.
There is no Manual Drum part, because any of the 
parts just mentioned can be used to play a Drum Set. 
The seventh part, “MELODY INT”, is what computer 
buffs would call a “cross-platform part”: it belongs to 
the Keyboard section but it is in part controlled by 
the Arranger. See “Melody Intelligence” on page 76.
Arranger/Style section:
The Arranger is your backing band. It plays an accom-
paniment (called Music Style). In a way, the Arranger 
works like a drum machine because it uses accompa-
niment patterns. 
Unlike a drum machine, however, you can easily 
select the desired pattern while playing. So you do 
not need to program the order in which you intend 
to use the patterns. Furthermore, the Arranger not 
only provides a rhythm section but also chords, gui-
tar and synthesizer riffs and so on. The accompani-
ment can be transposed in realtime. All you have to 
do is play a different chord (usually with your left 
Recorder section:
That’s how it’s called on the front panel, so we’ll stick 
to it. This section actually encompasses a 16-track 
sequencer, a straightforward MIDI recording function 
and a very sophisticated Standard MIDI File player 
with a host of all realtime control functions.
You can add vocals and harmonies to your music 
using the Vocal Harmonist function (page 42).
Left hand:
Arranger control
Right hand: melody 
(Keyboard parts)