ALK copilot 3.0 Guía Del Usuario

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The GPS Menu
1.  Status
To view your GPS satellite
Here you will receive
From this window
activity at any time select
information on SpeedLat/
you can get additional 
Status from the drop-
Long position, Heading, and satellite acquisition 
down GPS menu.
Time and DateClick on
the Sats tab for more 
GPS satellite information.
1a.  Receiving signals-     1b.  Receiving signals- 
Select Receiving from the
Receiving is active if you see
drop-down GPS menu to
a check mark. Tap once to 
activate, or deactivate GPS
change the status. If Receiving is
satellite reception.
inactive, Pocket CoPilot will be 
unable to provide driving 
Click the Main Tab         Click the Favorites Tab
Click Map Tab
to change features with
to open the list of your 
to actrivate or deac-
in Pocket CoPilot such
Favorite Addresses. Using
tivate certain Pocket
as Routing Type, Map
the buttons below the list
CoPilot map feat-
View and Speech 
you can assigned an address    ures. To activate a
as your Home or Work
feature place a check
address or as a generic 
mark in the box next
Favorite. You can also Add,
to it by Tapping the
Delete One, or Delete All
Box. You can also see
of these addresses.
what data areas you 
currently have loaded 
NOTE: When your favor-
and select between 
ites list is filled (25), each
Miles and Kilometers
new address will replace
for distance reporting.
the address that has been
inactive for the longest
period of time.
Click the GPS Tab to see at what speed your GPS
tracks will be played back. From this screen you can
tap the Delete GPS Tracks button to remove your 
saved GPS tracks.
To exit the Pocket CoPilot application at any time 
simply select Exit from the drop-down Edit menu.