Zhone 2004 Guía Del Usuario

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A p p l i c a t i o n   N o t e s
allows a specific protocol to be matched against. Protocol names 
may be used. However, the protocol may also be given as a DECI-
MAL number, allowing for rules to match your own protocols, or 
new ones which would out-date any attempted listing.
The special protocol keyword tcp/udp may be used to match either a TCP or 
a UDP packet, and has been added as a convenience to save duplication of 
otherwise-identical rules.
The from and to keywords are used to match against IP addresses (and 
optionally port numbers). Rules must specify BOTH source and destination 
IP addresses may be specified in one of two ways: as a numerical address/
mask, or as a hostname mask netmask. The hostname is of the dotted numeric 
There is a special case for the hostname any which is taken to be 
(see below for mask syntax) and matches all IP addresses. Only the presence 
of "any" has an implied mask, in all other situations, a hostname MUST be 
accompanied by a mask. It is possible to give "any" a hostmask, but in the 
context of this language, it is nonsensical.
The numerical format "x/y" indicates that a mask of y consecutive 1 bits set is 
generated, starting with the MSB, or a hexadecimal number of the form 
0x12345678. Note that all the bits of the IP address indicated by the bitmask 
must match the address on the packet exactly; there isn't currently a way to 
invert the sense of the match, or to match ranges of IP addresses which do not 
express themselves easily as bitmasks.
If a port match is included, for either or both of source and destination, then 
it is only applied to TCP and UDP packets. If there is no proto match 
parameter, packets from both protocols are compared. This is equivalent to 
"proto  tcp/udp". When composing port comparisons, either the service name 
or an integer port number may be used. Port comparisons may be done in a 
number of forms, with a number of comparison operators, or port ranges may 
be specified. See the examples for more information.
The all keyword is essentially a synonym for "from any to any" with no other 
match parameters.
Following the source and destination matching parameters, the following 
additional parameters may be used:
The with keyword is used to match irregular attributes that some packets may 
have associated with them.   To match the presence of IP options in general, 
use with ipopts. To match packets that are too short to contain a complete 
header, use with short. To match fragmented packets, use with frag. For 
more specific filtering on IP options, individual options can be listed.
Before any parameter used after the with keyword, the word not or no may 
be inserted to cause the filter rule to only match if the option(s) is not present.