Billion 7300m Manual De Usuario

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With EZSO built-in, you can simply plug cables in as first installation and turn on host 
computer to surf Internet through WEB browser like IE. You do not need to login into the 
router and search the router’s WEB GUI configuration page to find out the right web page for 
configuring your PPPoE/PPPoA credentials. EZSO feature in Billion’s routers will do it for 
When you are trying to surf the internet through WEB browser, the PPPoE dialogue will be 
visible and nothing but that. After you have successfully submitting the credentials, 
everything will be fine and work neatly. 
1. Please wait when the connection is trying. 2.Enter the username and password provide 
by your ISP. 
3. If login failed, Please input the correct 
username and password again. 
4. Login Successfully.