Billion 7300m Manual De Usuario

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address, which changes from time to time. This dynamic IP address is the WAN IP address 
of the router, which is assigned to you by your ISP. 
You first need to register and establish an account with the Dynamic DNS provider using 
their website, for example 
There are more than 5 DDNS services supported.  
 Disable: Check to disable the Dynamic DNS function. 
 Enable:  Check to enable the Dynamic DNS function. The fields following are activated 
and required. 
 Dynamic DNS Server: Select the DDNS service you have established an account with. 
 Host: Enter one domain name you have registered. 
 Domain Name, Username and Password: Enter your registered domain name and 
your username and password for this service. 
 Period: Set the time period between updates, for the router to exchange information with 
the DDNS server. In addition to updating periodically as per your settings, the router 
performs an update when your dynamic IP address changes. 
 Wildcard: Select this check box to enable the DYNDNS Wildcard. Vlan Control 
VLAN (Virtual Local Area Network) is a group of devices on different physical LAN segments 
that can communicate with each other as if they were all on the same physical LAN segment. 
While clients and servers may be located anywhere on a network, they are grouped together 
by VLAN technology, and broadcasts are sent to devices within the VLAN.