TallyGenicom 3860 Guía De Instalación Rápida

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3860/80 Quick Reference Guide
If the printer beeps ...
If the printer emits a series of short beeps, something is wrong. Note the
number of beeps and call for service.
Park / Path
Press once to retract paper from the active print path if a form is loaded.
NOTE:  If two or more pages are past the exit rollers, pressing
Park/Path will jam the paper.  Be sure to remove extra pages or forms
before pressing Park/Path. The paper remains in the tractors. If no form
is loaded, press this key repeatedly to step through the paper path
selections. Functions as the “1” key in menu
 entry mode.
Press once to display the current font. Press repeatedly to step through
the available font selections in the current “Print Quality”. Wait three
seconds and the displayed selection becomes the current selection.
See the LCD Menu Map for a list of fonts. Functions as the “2” key in
menu entry mode.
Print  Quality
Switches between Letter Quality (LQ) and Data Processing (DP)
resolutions.  Press once to display the current print quality.  Press again
to change the print quality.  Wait three seconds and the displayed
selection becomes the current selection.  LQ produces better quality
characters, and DP prints faster. Functions as the “3” key in menu entry
Press once to display the current characters per inch setting. Press
repeatedly to step through available CPI settings.  Wait three seconds
and the displayed selection becomes the current selection.  Some
emulations support continuously adjustable character spacing.  If the
host transmitted a CPI setting that is not on the standard CPI list, for
example, 11 CPI, then the LCD shows LS after the number.  LS stands
for Line Select.  Functions as the “4” key in menu entry mode.
Power ON/OFF Switch