Avaya 6211 Guía Del Usuario

Página de 178
Fiber-optic cables connect the TMS to module control (MC) carriers. Fiber-optic cables also connect
remote module interface (RMI) circuits in remote modules to RMI circuits at the central location. In a
multimodule system, each MC carrier has a fiber-optic transmitter and a fiber-optic receiver that
interfaces with a two-fiber cable. At the other end of the link, a fiber-optic transmitter and a fiber-optic
receiver interface the two-fiber cable to the time-multiplex switch (TMS).
The lightguide cable interconnection terminal (LCIT) is used to connect individual fiber links to
multifiber riser cables or outside plant cables. Each LCIT can house up to six fanouts and each fanout
terminates one 12-fiber ribbon; each of the 12 fibers is connected to an individual connector. Dual-fiber
cable from the TMS or RMI pack plugs into these connectors.
Remote-module links require an additional fiber pair to carry 4-MHz common control (CC) channel
information. A special circuit pack, the remote-module interface (RMI), is mounted in the carrier at
each end of the remote-module link. For DEFINITY™ Generic 2 Communications System (hereafter
abbreviated to  DEFINITY Generic 2  or Generic 2)  with traditional modules, the RMI connects to
paddleboards on the carrier backplane; for Generic 2 with universal modules, the RMI connects to the
lightwave transceiver which, in turn, connects to dual-fiber cables that terminate on the LCIT.
DEFINITY Generic uses the 3B ST® connectors to terminate fiber-optic cables at the LCIT; System
85 uses biconic connectors.
In Generic 2, the 107A optically-remoted peripheral interface (ORPI) uses biconic connectors.
Therefore, the 107A requires a special cable assembly (ED-1E434-11, group 509) whenever it is used.
The group 509 cable has a biconic connector and attenuator on the 107A end and an ST® connector on
the LCIT end. The ORPI has a distance limit of 13,000 ft for 62.5- and 50- micron fiber.
Table 13-1, System 85 and DEFINITY Generic 2 Fiber-Optic Paddleboard Ranges,  contains information
on System 85 and DEFINITY Generic 2 transmitter, receiver, and transceiver paddleboard ranges. The
table includes the range limitations for 62.5 micron (ODL®50) and 50 micron (ODL®40) fibers.  Note
the significant drop in range between the two fiber types.