Avaya 6211 Guía Del Usuario

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DEFINITY Communications System
7400HS Link Data Module
User´s Guide
Page  G-1
Answer mode. 
An operational mode where the 7400HS Link has gone offhook to answer an
incoming call and is waiting for a command from the switch to enter the data mode or disconnect
the call.
ANSI display protocol. 
A standard set of escape sequences, established by ANSI (the American
National Standards Institute), used by many display terminal devices to transmit or receive
display control
functions, such as cursor movement and color or graphics
configuration parameters.
AT command set. 
A de facto industry-standard set of commands used for configuration and
operation of DCE devices or modems.  The AT (ATtention) command set originated with Hayes
Microcomputer Products, Inc.
Command files. 
Files created for or by PC communications software running on a PC that can be
used to execute a sequence of commands
to complete a task, such as performing an automatic log in to a specific remote device.  Also
called script files.
Command line. 
A string of one or more valid and compatible AT commands typed on one line
with any applicable arguments.  Most command lines begin with the AT prefix and end with a
carriage return (issued by pressing  (
bbbbbbb  ).
Communications parameters. 
A byte or word in memory that is incremented or decremented to count events such as
timing intervals or retransmissions of messages.
CRDLI circuit. 
See Cost Reduced Digital Line Interface circuit.
Data Communications Equipment (DCE). 
(Also known as Data Circuit-terminating Equipment.)
The equipment that provides the functions required to establish, maintain and terminate a data
communications connection.  Additionally, the DCE provides any required signal conversion for
communication between the DTE
device (see also Data Terminal Equipment) and the telephone line or
data circuit.
Data mode. 
An operational mode in which the 7400HS Link is offhook communicating with the
remote end-point.  Also called on-line mode.
Data set emulation mode. 
An operational mode used when both data endpoints have DCE
interfaces.  For this mode, the two data endpoints emulate a modem interface.