Avaya 18d Guía De Conexión

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Using AT&TSet
Enter the label you want, and then select the OK button.
You return to the Program Feature dialog box, and the
new button label is displayed.
Select the OK button.
The Program Feature dialog box and Change Button
Programming dialog box disappear, and your custom
button label appears on the button you selected. The
button position for the button you selected is highlighted
and displays "use," signifying that the programming for this
button will be applied to your telephone when you write
this file to your telephone. The button label is gray.
Programming the Extension Name
If you have the PARTNER II Release 3.1 system or PARTNER PLUS Release
3.1 system, you can program the Extension Name associated with your
extension. When you make an intercom call to another extension from your
extension, your Extension Name appears on the telephone display of the
extension you are calling. If you have any other release of PARTNER, you can
assign an Extension Name. However, this name will only be printed on a label;
it will not be written to the system.
The Extension Name can be a maximum of 12 characters and may consist of
only the characters A through Z, 0 through 9, and blank spaces. AT&TSet
automatically converts all of the characters to upper case. The Extension
Name appears after the Name label in the AT&TSet window.
To program the Extension Name:
1 .
Extension Name. . . 
from the Programming menu.
The Extension Name dialog box appears.