Avaya 18d Guía De Conexión

Página de 318
Appendix B: PC Serial Ports
Selecting an Add-In Serial Port Card
This section presents advice on how to choose an add-in serial port card for
use with PassageWay Solution. Because PassageWay Solution does not have
any unique requirements with respect to serial ports, this advice applies
generically to selecting a serial port for use with any peripheral.
In general, there are two main things to consider when selecting a serial port
for use with PassageWay Solution:
Choose a card which offers the flexibility to configure its serial port IRQs
to values other than IRQ3 and IRQ4 (for example, to IRQ2 or IRQ5).
This capability often proves to be very beneficial, especially if you are
purchasing the card to add a COM3 and/or COM4 port to your system.
As described at length in "Workarounds and Solutions to the IRQ
Conflict Problem," for PCs which do not support IRQ sharing (which
includes most PCs, unfortunately), the ability to relocate the IRQ for
COM3 or COM4 away from the defaults (IRQ4 and IRQ3, respectively)
represents the only direct solution to conflicts which may arise when
attempting to use COM1 along with COM3 or COM2 along with COM4
under Windows.
If you know your PC does not support IRQ sharing, or if you are not
sure, it’s a good idea to purchase a card with this capability. If you
know your PC supports IRQ sharing, this capability is not as potentially
For best performance with PassageWay Solution, choose a card which
has hardware support for high-speed communications.