Microsoft Core CAL, SA, GOL D, UCAL W06-00624 Manual De Usuario

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Licensing the Core CAL Suite and the Enterprise CAL Suite 
December 2006 
Corporate, Government, and Academic 
 All Volume Licensing Programs 
Microsoft offers two Client Access License (CAL) Suites, the Microsoft® Core CAL Suite and the Microsoft Enterprise CAL 
Suite, which provide access rights for a number of server products and online services. The Enterprise CAL Suite includes all 
of the components of the Core CAL Suite. This means customers interested in the components unique to the Enterprise CAL 
Suite do not need to license both the Core CAL Suite and the Enterprise CAL Suite. Customers can acquire the Enterprise 
CAL Suite upfront or as a step-up from the Core CAL Suite. 
CAL Suites 
A CAL Suite is a single license that provides use rights equivalent to multiple licenses. Like other CALs, CAL Suites can be 
licensed on either a per-user or per-device basis. CAL Suites simplify licensing and tracking by reducing the number of 
licenses necessary to access Microsoft servers, CAL Suites may also provide pricing that is more attractive than licensing the 
equivalent components individually. However, since a suite is a single license─the sum of individual CALs─CAL Suites cannot 
be divided among more than one user or device. 
CAL Suites sometimes provide use rights equivalent to licenses that are not CALs. For instance, the Enterprise CAL Suite 
provides rights to several management server products and several online services subscriptions. In all cases, under a CAL 
Suite, the customer’s use rights with respect to a particular product or online service are the same as if that component was 
licensed separately. The only exception is that both per-user and per-device options are available in CAL Suites even when 
both options are not available outside the suite. For instance, Microsoft System Server Configuration Manager has per-user 
use rights as part of Core CAL Suite and Enterprise CAL Suite, even though it is not offered under a per-user license 
Use Rights 
Because CAL Suites contain licenses to products that are released independently, CAL Suites are version-less. CAL Suites 
are only offered with Software Assurance coverage, and accordingly give customers the right to use the most recent version of 
every product in the suite. If Software Assurance coverage lapses and the customer is vested with perpetual rights, use rights 
are determined by the latest version of the products in effect prior to the lapse in coverage. For example, if a customer’s 
Software Assurance coverage for the Core CAL Suite expires on October 1, 2006, the customer has perpetual rights 
equivalent to the most recent version of the Core CAL Suite’s components as of that date. This customer would not have rights 
to versions of components released after October 1, 2006 or to products added to the CAL Suite after that date.  
Core CAL Suite and Enterprise CAL Suite 
The Core CAL Suite is equivalent to the following licenses: Windows Server® operating system CAL, Microsoft Exchange 
Server Standard CAL, Microsoft Office SharePoint® Server Standard CAL, Microsoft SMS Configuration Manager CML (soon 
to be known as Microsoft System Server Configuration Manager CML).   
The Enterprise CAL Suite is equivalent to the following licenses: All of the components of the Core CAL Suite listed above, all 
of the components of the Microsoft Forefront Security Suite
, Exchange Server Enterprise CAL, Office SharePoint Server 
Enterprise CAL, Microsoft Office Communications Server Standard CAL (prior to release, Microsoft Live Communications 
Server CAL), Microsoft Office Communications Server Enterprise CAL, Windows® Rights Management Services CAL, and 
Microsoft System Center Operations Management Client OML.   
The diagram below shows what components are initially being offered in the Core CAL Suite and Enterprise CAL Suite as of 
October 1, 2006. Related server software licenses and subscription licenses are not included. 
 For the purposes of the Enterprise CAL Suite, a subscription to Forefront Security Suite initially consists of coverage under 
the following online services: Forefront Client Security (available 2007), Forefront Security for Exchange Server (available 
December 2006), Forefront Security for SharePoint Server (available December 2006), Forefront Security for Office 
Communications Server (available 2007), and Exchange Hosted Filtering.