Canon VB-M740E Manual

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Change the Camera Zoom Ratio
You can change the zoom ratio of the camera with the [Zoom] buttons or [Zoom] slider.
Operation will continue while you hold a [Zoom] button down and stop when you release it.
If you drag the slider handle, the camera zoom ratio will change according to the position on the slider.
If you select [Digital Zoom] > [Enable], the maximum optical telephoto icon and digital zoom range will appear and 
you will be able to use digital zoom.
The higher the digital zoom ratio, however, the lower the video quality becomes.
Set the Focus and Exposure Compensation
This focuses on the subject. Adjust exposure to suit the brightness of subjects.
The exposure compensation value set with the Camera Angle Setting Tool will be reset when the camera is rebooted.
Set the Focus
You can automatically or manually focus on subjects, or set focus to infinity. You can use One-shot AF to focus on 
subjects manually.
Automatically focuses on the subject.
Use buttons ((4) and (5)) to manually adjust focus.
[Fixed at Infinity]
Fixes the focus near infinity.
[One-shot AF]
Use when the focus mode is set to [Manual]. When you click this, it will focus once using autofocus and then 
switch to manual focus.
Far and Near Buttons
Use to adjust focus when the focus mode is set to [Manual].
Focus will change while you hold the buttons down and stop when you release them.
Zooms in.
Zooms out.
Digital Zoom Range
Optical telephoto end icon