Craftsman 3130eSC Manual De Usuario

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Ford OBD1 Systems 
  When instructed by the message on the 
Scan Tool's display, start the engine 
and press the ENTER 
A "One moment please preparation 
for test is in progress” message 
shows temporarily on the Scan 
Tool's LCD display, followed by the 
message "Perform Timing Check 
within two minutes." 
  When "Perform Timing Check within 2 
minutes" displays, perform the Timing 
Check as follows: 
The vehicle's computer is pro-
grammed to advance ignition timing 
20° (±3°) above the vehicle's "base 
timing" value, and to freeze this 
setting for two minutes from the time 
the "Perform Timing Check within 2 
minutes" message displays. This 
allows the user to check the 
computer's ability to advance igni-
tion timing. 
Within this two-minute period, follow instructions in the vehicle's 
service repair manual to check the ignition timing with a timing 
light and ensure that it is 20° above the specified base timing 
value (±3°). 
Example: If base timing specification is 10° BTDC, the acceptable 
timing light reading should be in the range of 27° to 33° BTDC. 
Base-timing specifications can be found on the Vehicle 
Emission Control Information (VECI) decal. The decal is 
located under the hood or near the radiator. If the VECI decal 
is missing or damaged, refer to your vehicle's service repair 
manual for specifications. 
  If timing light readings are within the acceptable range: 
Base timing and the vehicle computer's ability to advance timing 
are working properly. 
Proceed to the KOER Self-Test below. 
 If timing light readings are not within the acceptable range: 
Base timing may be out of adjustment, or the computer may 
have problems with the timing advance circuit. 
Refer to the vehicle's service repair manual for procedures on 
adjusting and/or repairing ignition timing. Repairs to ignition 
timing must be made before proceeding to the KOER Test.