Cisco Cisco ONS 15454 SONET Multiservice Provisioning Platform (MSPP) Guía De Diseño

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    Power and Grounding:  The ONS 15454 system requires a nominal input voltage of –48 
VDC fused at 30A.  The assembly shelf should be grounded to a common building ground 
or to the frame.  
The ONS 15454 system can be activated with only the above equipment.  All that is left is for you 
to select the appropriate transport and tributary cards and EIAs to meet the particular application. 
The most common ONS 15454 system configurations are: 
    Unidirectional Path-Switched Ring Path Protection Configuration 
    Bi-directional Line-Switched Ring (BLSR) 
Point-to-Point Configurations 
Point-to-point or 1+1 protected extensions are often used to interconnect SONET subnetworks.  
Examples include interconnection of two access networks and interconnection between interoffice 
rings.  ONS 15454 nodes can be configured as illustrated in Figure 7-15 to provide 1+1 protected 
transport directly to end users when the fiber topology warrants point-to-point connection rather 
than ring connection. 
Figure 7-15: Point-to-Point 1+1 Protection Configuration 
48 STS inputs/outputs
48 STS inputs/outputs
Cisco ONS 15454
Cisco ONS 15454
Working OC-48
Protect OC-48
48 STS inputs/outputs
48 STS inputs/outputs
Cisco ONS 15454
Cisco ONS 15454
Cisco ONS 15454
Cisco ONS 15454
Working OC-48
Protect OC-48
Working OC-48
Protect OC-48
Linear ADM Configurations 
You can configure ONS 15454s as a line of add/drop multiplexers (ADMs) by configuring one set 
of OC-N cards as the working path and a second set as the protect path.  Unlike rings, linear 
(point-to-point) ADMs require that the OC-N cards at each node be in 1+1 protection to ensure 
that a break to the working line is automatically routed to the protect line.  Figure 7-16 shows 
three ONS 15454 nodes in a linear ADM configuration.