Cisco Cisco Unified Customer Voice Portal 10.0(1)

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Cisco Internet Service Node (ISN) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 7      Alarm Handling and Logging
Voice Browser Logging and Metrics
-------Voice Browser Total Statistics----------- 
19:44:34:671 VoiceBrowser-VB Trace:   Since Startup:                              
19:44:34:687 VoiceBrowser-VB Trace:       Total Calls:                           24962 
19:44:34:687 VoiceBrowser-VB Trace:         Disconnect Disposition:               
19:44:34:703 VoiceBrowser-VB Trace:           Rejected:                          0 
19:44:34:703 VoiceBrowser-VB Trace:           Caller Hangup:                     24828 
19:44:34:703 VoiceBrowser-VB Trace:           Called Party Hangup:               1 
19:44:34:718 VoiceBrowser-VB Trace:           ICM Release:                       3 
19:44:34:718 VoiceBrowser-VB Trace:           Critical Media:                    0 
19:44:34:718 VoiceBrowser-VB Trace:       Max Simultaneous Calls:                149 
19:44:34:734 VoiceBrowser-VB Trace:       Max IVR Ports:                         53 
19:44:34:734 VoiceBrowser-VB Trace:       Total prompts not found:               0 
19:44:34:734 VoiceBrowser-VB Trace:       Total transfers not completed:         1 
19:44:34:750 VoiceBrowser-VB Trace:          Busy:                               0 
19:44:34:750 VoiceBrowser-VB Trace:          Ring-no-answer:                     0 
19:44:34:765 VoiceBrowser-VB Trace:          Gatekeeper problem:                 0 
19:44:34:765 VoiceBrowser-VB Trace:          Destination problem:                1 
19:44:34:765 VoiceBrowser-VB Trace:          Other:                              0 
19:44:34:781 VoiceBrowser-VB Trace:       System Startup Time:                   Feb 24 2003, 17:17:36 
19:44:34:781 VoiceBrowser-VB Trace:       System UpTime:                         0 Days, 02 Hours, 26 
Minutes, 58 Seconds 
19:44:34:796 VoiceBrowser-VB Trace:       Current State:                         In Service 
19:44:34:796 VoiceBrowser-VB Trace:       Packets Transmitted(approx):           9.097e+006 
19:44:34:796 VoiceBrowser-VB Trace: 
--------- Current Alarms --------- 
19:44:34:812 VoiceBrowser-VB Trace:   None
Voice Browser Log Contents
There are four sections in the Voice Browser log file:
Interval Statistics
Snapshot Statistics
Total Statistics
Current Alarms
Each section is described below.
Interval Statistics
The Interval Statistics section of the log file contains a series of counts, averages, and maximums 
during a specific interval. 
Averages, Minimums and Maximums, and Standard Deviations are calculated by using current data (that 
is, the average of calls within this interval), not rolling averages (that is, the average of calls over several 
Statistics generated include:
Interval Size.
Maximum call arrival per second.
Number of new calls this interval.
Number of calls transferred this interval.