Cisco Cisco ONS 15454 SONET Multiservice Provisioning Platform (MSPP) Notas de publicación

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Release Notes for Cisco ONS 15454 Release 4.6.5
Resolved Software Caveats for Release 4.6.5
The default setting is Enable.
Command Modes
Per POS port configuration
Usage Guidelines
The no form of the command will set the mode to the default. 
The following example disables the re-sequencing of the H4 byte sequence numbers for POS port 0:
int pos 0
pos vcat resequence disable
Resolved Software Caveats for Release 4.6.5
The following items are resolved in Release 4.6.5
ML Series Cards
DDTS # CSCef62420
When you provision two circuits on an ML card and then delete the second one provisioned, defects are 
not detected and alarms are not reported on the POS port. To correct this issue, after deleting the second 
circuit, change the admin state of the first circuit to OOS and then to IS. Allow a minimum of 5 seconds 
between the OOS and IS state changes. This issue is resolved in Release 4.6.4.
DDTS # CSCeg11560
As a result of memory loss, the ML card might fail to respond to telnet. When this issue occurs, console 
login fails with a “low memory” error message, and a possible CONTBUS-IO alarm. Traffic might be 
affected if spanning-tree is enabled on the ML, as the protocol might stop functioning, resulting in 
blocked spanning-tree ports without apparent cause.
Enables the re-sequencing of the H4 byte sequence numbers when a 
member is added to the VCAT group or removed from the VCAT group. 
If both members are up, then member #0 will have sequence number of 
zero (0) and member #1 will have sequence number one (1). If only one 
member is up, then the sequence number of that member will be zero (0).
Disables the re-sequencing of the H4 byte sequence numbers when a 
member is added to the VCAT group or removed from the VCAT group. 
Member #0 will always have a sequence number of zero (0) and member 
#1 will always have a sequence number of one (1)