Cisco Cisco Email Security Appliance C650 Guía Del Usuario

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Cisco AsyncOS 8.0 for Email User Guide
Chapter 17      Email Authentication
  Configuring DomainKeys and DKIM Signing
Creating Domain Profiles for DomainKeys Signing
Step 1
Choose Mail Policies > Signing Profiles
Step 2
In the Domain Signing Profiles section, click Add Profile
Step 3
Enter a name for the profile. 
Step 4
For the Domain Key Type, choose Domain Keys
Additional options appear on the page. 
Step 5
Enter the domain name.
Step 6
Enter a selector. Selectors are arbitrary names prepended to the "_domainkey" namespace, used to help 
support multiple concurrent public keys per sending domain. A selector value and length must be legal 
in the DNS namespace and in email headers with the additional provision that they cannot contain a 
Step 7
Select the canonicalization (no forwarding whitespaces or simple).
Step 8
If you have already created a signing key, select a signing key. Otherwise, skip to the next step. You must 
create (or import) at least one signing key in order to have signing keys to choose from in the list. See 
Step 9
Enter users (email addresses, hosts, etc.) that will use the domain profile for signing.
Step 10
Submit and commit your changes. 
Step 11
At this point (if you have not already) you should enable DomainKeys/DKIM signing on an outgoing 
mail flow policy (see 
If you create both a DomainKeys and DKIM profile, AsyncOS performs both DomainKeys and 
DKIM signing on outgoing mail.
Creating a New Domain Profile for DKIM Signing
Step 1
Choose Mail Policies > Signing Profiles
Step 2
In the Domain Signing Profiles section, click Add Profile
Step 3
Enter a name for the profile. 
Step 4
For the Domain Key Type, choose DKIM
Additional options appear on the page. 
Step 5
Enter the domain name.
Step 6
Enter a selector. Selectors are arbitrary names prepended to the "_domainkey." namespace, used to help 
support multiple concurrent public keys per sending domain. A selector value and length must be legal 
in the DNS namespace and in email headers with the additional provision that they cannot contain a 