Cisco Cisco FirePOWER Appliance 8250

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FireSIGHT System User Guide
Chapter 7      Setting Up an IPS Device
  Configuring Inline Sets
Step 2
Next to the device where you want to edit the inline set, click the edit icon (
The Interfaces tab appears.
Step 3
Inline Sets
The Inline Sets tab appears.
Step 4
Next to the inline set you want to edit, click the edit icon (
The Edit Inline Set pop-up window appears.
Step 5
The Advanced tab appears.
Step 6
Optionally, select 
Tap Mode 
to enable tap mode on the inline interfaces of Series 3 and 3D9900 devices.
Note that virtual devices, Sourcefire Software for  X-Series, and Series 2 devices other than 3D9900 do 
not support this option. In addition, you cannot enable Tap Mode and Strict TCP Enforcement on the 
same inline set.
Step 7
Optionally, select 
Propagate Link State
 on Series 2 or Series 3 devices. This option is especially useful if 
the routers on your network are able to reroute traffic around a network device that is down.
You cannot disable link state propagation for inline sets configured on clustered devices.
Note that virtual devices and Sourcefire Software for  X-Series do not support this option.
Step 8
Optionally, select 
Strict TCP Enforcement
 to enable strict TCP enforcement on Series 3 devices.
Note that Series 2, virtual devices, and Sourcefire Software for  X-Series do not support this option. In 
addition, you cannot enable Strict TCP Enforcement and Tap Mode on the same inline set.
Step 9
Optionally, select 
Transparent Inline Mode
Note that you cannot disable this option on Series 3 or 3D9900 devices.
Step 10
Your changes are saved. Note that your changes do not take effect until you apply the device 
configuration; see 
Removing Bypass Mode on Fiber Inline Sets Configured to Fail Open
Supported Devices: 
Series 2 except 3D9900
When link state propagation is enabled on a Series 2 device with a fiber inline set configured to fail open 
and the device goes into bypass mode, all network traffic passes through the inline set without being 
analyzed. When the links restore, most fiber inline sets configured to fail open do not return from bypass 
automatically. You can use a command line tool to force the inline set out of bypass mode.
This tool works on inline sets with fiber inline interfaces configured to fail open. It is not necessary to 
use this tool on inline sets with copper inline interfaces set to fail open. 
Contact Support if you are having issues with inline sets configured to fail open on your device.
To force a fiber inline set configured to fail open out of bypass mode on a device:
Admin/Network Admin