Cisco Cisco FirePOWER Appliance 8250

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FireSIGHT System User Guide
Chapter 14      Understanding and Writing Access Control Rules
  Working with Different Types of Conditions
The list updates to display your entry. See 
 for more information.
Step 7
Save or continue editing the rule.
You must apply the access control policy for your changes to take effect; see 
Adding User Conditions
Supported Devices: 
Series 3, Virtual, X-Series, ASA FirePOWER
Supported Defense Centers: 
Any except DC500
You can configure access control rules to match traffic for users and user groups retrieved from a 
Microsoft Active Directory Server.
Before you can write access control rules with user conditions, you must configure a connection between 
the Defense Center and at least one of your organization’s Microsoft Active Directory servers. This 
configuration, called an authentication object, contains connection settings and authentication filter 
settings for the server. It also specifies the users and groups you can use in user conditions. For more 
information, see 
In addition, you must install User Agents. The agents monitor users when they authenticate against 
Active Directory credentials, and send records of those logins to the Defense Center. These records 
associate users with IP addresses, which is what allows access control rules with user conditions to 
trigger. For more information, see 
Keep in mind that if you specify a group in an access control rule, that automatically includes all of the 
group’s members, including members of any sub-groups, with the exception of individually excluded 
users and members of excluded sub-groups.
Before the system can handle traffic (and generate associated events) using an access control rule with 
a user group condition, at least one user from that group must be detected in your network traffic. This 
initial connection is handled by the access control policy default action, not the access control rule it 
If you configure user awareness parameters that include a very large number of user groups, or if you 
have a very large number of users mapped to hosts on your network, the system may drop user mappings 
based on groups, due to memory limitations. As a result, access control rules based on user groups may 
not fire as expected.
The following procedure explains how to add user conditions while adding or editing an access control 
rule. See 
To add user conditions to an access control rule:
Admin/Access Admin/Network Admin
Step 1
Select the 
 tab on the rule Edit page.
The Users page appears.