Cisco Cisco FirePOWER Appliance 8250

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FireSIGHT System User Guide
Chapter 19      Handling Incidents 
  Incident Handling Basics
the time zone
whether you had any contact with an attacker
the estimated cost of handling the incident
a description of the incident, including:
methods of intrusion
the intruder tools involved
the software versions and patch levels
any intruder tool output
the details of vulnerabilities exploited
the source of the attack
any other relevant information
You can also use the comment section of an incident to record when you communicate issues and with 
Containment and Recovery
Your incident handling process should clearly indicate what steps are taken when a host or other network 
component is compromised. The range of containment and recovery options stretches from applying 
patches to vulnerable hosts to shutting down the target and removing it from the network. You should 
also consider the importance, depending upon the nature and severity of the attack, of preserving 
evidence in case you pursue criminal charges.
You can use the incident feature of FireSIGHT System to maintain a record of the actions you take during 
the containment and recovery phase of the incident.
Lessons Learned
Each security incident, whether or not it is a successful attack, is an opportunity to review your security 
policies. Do you need to update your firewall rules? Do you need a more structured approach to patch 
management? Are unauthorized wireless access points a new security issue? Each lesson learned should 
feed back into your security policies and help you prepare better for the next incident.
Incident Types in the FireSIGHT System
You can assign an incident type to each incident you create. The following types are supported by default 
in the FireSIGHT System:
Denial of Service
Unauthorized Admin Access
Web Site Defacement
Compromise of System Integrity