Cisco Cisco WebEx Support Center WBS29.13 Guía De Información

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Customer Case Study
“With WebEx WebACD, our customer satisfaction rating 
rose three points in just two months. That’s a dramatic 
improvement, and a clear signal that the customer 
experience is significantly better.”  
–Tarik Mahmoud, senior manager of e-support and service technology, Cisco Systems 
— Tarik Mahmoud, senior manager of e-support and service technology, Cisco Systems 
— Axel Kling, CEO, Snow Software 
functionality. “We were using an external chat client, so staff would have to switch out of WebEx 
Remote Support to chat with customers, which was inconvenient and time consuming for 
everyone,” Mahmoud says. “About 15 percent of our support requests currently come via chat.  
Now, we can use WebEx technology to better integrate that option into our system and meet a 
growing customer demand while making the support process more efficient.” 
To help ensure that WebEx WebACD would integrate smoothly with the company’s customer 
relationship management (CRM) software, Mahmoud and his team turned to WebEx Professional 
Services to customize the application. “The support staff uses our CRM to track customer 
information, so we needed to connect WebEx WebACD to that system. The technology had to 
authenticate users against the CRM database instead of the WebEx database and provide 
automated reporting,” says Robert Surujbhan, IT project manager at Cisco. “The integration was 
complex, but we gave the WebEx Professional Services team our technical requirements, and they 
handled the process superbly.”
Before deploying the WebEx WebACD system to all five call centers worldwide, Mahmoud decided to 
run a small pilot program. “Before we fully implemented WebACD, we had to know what the system 
response time would be like, if users would get disconnected, and other key factors that would affect 
the customer experience,” he says. “The test program was extremely successful. Average wait times 
decreased, and users weren’t getting dropped from chat sessions like they were before. With WebEx 
WebACD, we saw immediate improvements in the customer experience and knew that the 
technology would have a huge, positive impact on our global support operations.” 
After integrating WebEx WebACD into its system, Cisco support technicians resolve customer 
issues faster and more efficiently than ever before. “With WebEx technology, customers have more 
ways to reach us, and our staff can address their requests more quickly, both of which enhance the 
customer experience,” says Mahmoud. “With WebEx WebACD, our customer satisfaction rating 
rose three points in just two months. That’s a dramatic improvement, and a clear signal that the 
customer experience is even better than before.” 
WebEx WebACD technology allows Cisco to intelligently distribute support requests based on 
technician skill, making staff more productive and enabling the company to resolve more issues 
during a customer’s first call. “Since we started using WebEx WebACD, our first-call resolution has 
gone up by four points because we’re better equipped to route customers into queues that are staffed 
by technicians who are experts on particular products,” Mahmoud says. “We’ve also been able to 
handle a higher volume of requests without having to hire more people, so WebEx technology has 
allowed us to deliver better customer service while helping to keep staffing costs low.” 
Because Cisco has more control over how support requests are distributed, the company can also 
prepare for emergencies and respond to possible service interruptions without affecting the 
customer experience. “We have five call centers around the world. If there were a major storm or