Cisco Cisco Web Security Appliance S160 Guía Del Usuario

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Cisco AsyncOS for Web User Guide
Chapter 21      Perform System Administration Tasks
  Managing Alerts
Step 3
Configure the alert settings as required.
Step 4
Submit and commit your changes.
Alert Listing
The following sections list alerts by classification. The table in each section includes the alert name 
(internally used descriptor), actual text of the alert, description, severity (critical, information, or 
warning) and the parameters (if any) included in the text of the message. 
From Address to Use 
When Sending Alerts
The RFC 2822 compliant “Header From:” address to use when sending 
alerts. An option is provided to automatically generate an address based on 
the system hostname (“alert@<hostname>”)
Wait Before Sending a 
Duplicate Alert
Specifies the time interval for duplicate alerts. There are two settings:
Initial Number of Seconds to Wait Before Sending a Duplicate Alert. If 
you set this value to 0, duplicate alert summaries are not sent and instead, all 
duplicate alerts are sent without any delay (this can lead to a large amount of 
email over a short amount of time). The number of seconds to wait between 
sending duplicate alerts (alert interval) is increased after each alert is sent. 
The increase is the number of seconds to wait plus twice the last interval. So 
a 5 second wait would have alerts sent at 5 seconds, 15, seconds, 35 seconds, 
75 seconds, 155 seconds, 315 seconds, etc.
Maximum Number of Seconds to Wait Before Sending a Duplicate Alert. 
You can set a cap on the number of seconds to wait between intervals via the 
maximum number of seconds to wait before sending a duplicate alert field. 
For example, if you set the initial value to 5 seconds, and the maximum value 
to 60 seconds, alerts would be sent at 5 seconds, 15 seconds, 35 seconds, 60 
seconds, 120 seconds, etc
Cisco AutoSupport
Specifies whether or not to send Cisco the following support information:
a copy of all alert messages generated by the system 
weekly reports noting the uptime of the system, the output of the 
command, and the AsyncOS version used.
Also specifies whether or not to send internal alert recipients a copy of every 
message sent to Cisco. This applies only to recipients that are set to receive 
System alerts at Information severity level.