Cisco Cisco Web Security Appliance S680 Guía Del Usuario

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I R O N P O R T   A S Y N C O S   6 . 3   F O R   W E B   U S E R   G U I D E  
C O N F I G U R I N G   T H E   E N D - U S E R   U R L   C A T E G O R Y   WA R N I N G   PA G E
You can configure the end-user acknowledgement page on the Security Services > End-User 
Notification page. You can include some simple HTML tags in the custom message, such as 
font color and size.
To configure the end-user acknowledgement page:
1. Navigate to the Security Services > End-User Notification page, and click Edit Settings.
2. Scroll down to the End-User URL Category Warning Page section.
Figure 12-3 Editing End-User URL Category Warning Page Settings
3. In the Time Between Warning field, enter the time interval the Web Proxy uses between 
displaying the end-user URL category warning page for each URL category per user.
Once a user clicks the continue link on the end-user URL category warning page, the 
Web Proxy considers that user to have acknowledged the warning for the time you enter 
here. This setting applies to users tracked by username and users tracked by IP address.
Default is 1 hour (3600 seconds). You can enter the value in seconds, minutes, or days. 
Use ‘s’ for seconds, ‘m’ for minutes, and ‘d’ for days.
4. In the Custom Message field, enter any text you want to appear on every end-user URL 
category warning page. 
You might want to include text for the organization’s acceptable use policies, or include a 
link to a page that details the acceptable use policies. 
You can include some HTML tags in lower case to format the text. For a list of supported 
HTML tags, see “Supported HTML Tags in Notification Pages” on page 258.
For example:
Please acknowledge the following statements <i>before</i> accessing 
the Internet.
5. Click the “Preview URL Category Warning Page Customization” link to view the current 
end-user URL category warning page in a separate browser window.
6. Submit and commit your changes.