Cisco Cisco ACE Application Control Engine Module Notas de publicación

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Release Note for the Cisco Application Control Engine Module
Downgrading Your ACE Module Software in a Redundant Configuration
This command will reboot the system
Save configurations for all the contexts. Save? [yes/no]: [yes]
Step 14
Verify that ACE-1 is in the ACTIVE state and ACE-2 is in the STANDBY_WARM state by entering the 
show ft group detail command in Exec mode.
Downgrading Your ACE Module Software in a Redundant 
If you need to downgrade your ACE software from version A5(2.x) to an earlier supported ACE software 
version (version A2(3.x) or A2(1.6a) or later), use the procedure in the Installation Note, Cisco ACE 
Application Control Engine ACE30 Module
If you need to downgrade your ACE software from version A5(2.x) to software version A5(1.x), A4(2.x), 
or A4(1.x), use the procedure that follows. This procedure assumes that your ACEs are configured as 
redundant peers to ensure that there is no disruption to existing connections during the downgrade 
process. In the following procedure, the active ACE is referred to as ACE-1 and the standby ACE is 
referred to as ACE-2.
Before You Begin
Before you downgrade your ACE software, ensure that the following conditions exist:
Identical versions of the previous software image resides in the image: directory of both ACEs.
The active ACE has a higher priority than the standby ACE and preempt is enabled on the FT group 
if you want the active ACE to remain active after the downgrade procedure.
Downgrade Procedure
To downgrade your A5(2.x) software in a redundant configuration, perform these steps:
Step 1
If you have previously created checkpoints in your running-configuration files (highly recommended), 
roll back the configuration in each context on each ACE to the check-pointed configuration. For 
ACE-1/Admin# checkpoint rollback CHECKPOINT_ADMIN
ACE-1/Admin# changeto C1
ACE-1/C1# checkpoint rollback CHECKPOINT_C1
Do the same on the other ACE. For information about creating checkpoints and rolling back 
configurations, see the Administration Guide, Cisco ACE Application Control Engine.
Step 2
Configure ACE-1 to automatically boot from the earlier ACE software image. To set the boot variable 
and configuration register to 1, use the boot system image: and config-register commands in 
configuration mode. For example, enter:
ACE-1/Admin# config
ACE-1/Admin(config)# boot system image:c6ace-t1k9-mz.A5_1_2.bin 
ACE-1/Admin(config)# config-register 1
ACE-1/Admin(config)# exit